Saskatchewan Land Surveyors Association
As a self-regulated profession, the Saskatchewan Land Surveyors Association administers the profession and regulates the practice of land surveying for the protection of the public. In order to maintain the public's expected standards of integrity and technical knowledge, the association establishes minimum standards for admission to the profession, continuing education of its licensed members and the practice of professional land surveying.
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Continuing Professional Development
SLSA Corner Post
The SLSA Corner Post is published quarterly - in March (Spring), June (Summer), September (Fall), and December (Winter),
Editor is Grady Rowley
Deadlines for submissions are the last Friday in February, May, August & November.
Advertising support is welcome in all four issues (see Advertising Rates and Specifications)
Direct correspondence to:
The Editor, SLSA Corner Post
Saskatchewan Land Surveyors Association
(306) 352-8999