Use the links below to navigate through our website.
Links & Public Resources
Find a list of public resources from other survey-related organizations.
Real Property Reports
Read FAQs of Surveyor’s Real Property Reports.
Survey Companies
Find a list of companies that employ Saskatchewan Land Surveyors.
Survey Costs
General information on factors that affect cost
Complaints Process
SLSA is committed to administer and regulate the practice of land surveying. If you have a complaint to file please view our complaints process here.
Teacher Resources
These resources are to assist teachers convey math and science concepts using real-world examples.
Register of Saskatchewan Land Surveyors
View a complete list of Saskatchewan Land Surveyors and their biographies (if available).
Find your career in the survey industry as a professional land surveyor, a graduate of a geomatics technology program or even in an entry-level position as a high school graduate.
SLSA Museum
Find the location, directions to, images, news articles, and information about the SLSA Museum.
Corner Post Newsletter
Peer Competency Review Committee
The Peer Competency Review (PCR) is a program consistent with the objectives of the association to protect the public interest by monitoring the competency of the members.
For members engaged in management roles, a supplementary questionnaire may be required, a copy of which can be found here.
The Program Manual is available for public viewing below.